Mary Corey March
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#DadaTaroT Identity Tapestry
Digital Breadcrumbs (M.I.S.S.T.) Urban Pulse (San Francisco)
Cultural Fabric Breathes Still Living Guestbook
Transparency Binary Experience
Gateway Primary Text
Do you read me? (digital mediation) Scales
Write me for Art/ Do you Read me (disintermediation) Dream Blanket







Cultural Fabric Breathes Still (2015), Mixed Media Participatory, Reactive Installation, including arduinos driving fans, motion sensors and audio, recordings of endangered language speakers, fans, fabric, wood, acrylic signs. 46" x 22" x 36"

This piece was accomplished with the technical contribution and creative collaboration of Daniel Garcia.

When a viewer approaches, one of the fabrics begin to "breathe".  At the same time you hear an endangered language speaker coorsponding to that fabric tell their story and giving a personal translation of a word which does not directly translate into a mainstream language which may say something about that culture.